Envision Enviro Tech is pioneer company in India in providing services related to Common Biomedical Waste Treatment (CBWTF).
Our CBWTF services encompass the selection, provision and installation of varioushigh-quality equipment, such as biomedical waste incinerators, sterilizers, shredders, and other essential accessories. We also provide specialised guidance to corporate and large hospitals in developing effective strategies for biomedical waste management.
We successfully established a CBWTF facility in Surat, India, through a Public Private Partnership (PPP). This facility is regarded as a model facility in India and has received the prestigious Dubai International Award for best urban practices. Additionally, Envision Enviro Tech has successfully demonstrated setup and operation of CBWTF in tier two and tier three cities of India like Udaipur, Kalyan, Ranchito name a few. Collectively, these facilities have a total installed capacity of more than 12 MT per day.